Friday, October 10, 2014

Building a Business One Day at a Time

Nobody ever said that Rome was built in a day.  As a matter of fact the actual saying is "Rome wasn't built in a day."  That being said, I've been building my home business for just about 2 years now.  It has not been an easy feat.  There's been a lot of ups and downs and I've wanted to quit more than a few times.  I recently watched a video about this woman who had a start up business and was on the verge of quitting and spoke with her mom on the phone.  She told her mom that she was going to quite and go find a "real" job and said her defining moment was when her mom said back to her "how do you know you're not quitting 5 minutes before the miracle begins."  And this woman said back to her mother, "I don't know" and her mother said, "well than honey you can't quit."  I listened to that video over and over again.  It resonated so much with me because it's the absolute TRUTH.  How do you know??  How do you ever know??

You don't ever know and that's why I wake up every day and press on because my business has grown a lot since I first started.  I don't always see that on a day to day basis but when I sit down and I look at the big picture, it has grown and it will continue to do so as long as I put the necessary work in.  I can't expect this business to take off on luck, it's a work in progress and I must work hard everyday at it so that one day it will be successful and I will have financial freedom.

When I went through my divorce and all these life changes 5 years ago, I wasn't left with a lot.  My security, my finances, my house and my cushy life were gone just like that.  In a matter of seconds my whole life changed from what I had known for the last 16 years.  That's a hard pill to swallow.  I had know idea what I was going to do with my life.  Here I was 40 years old, out of work for over 10 years and a stay at home mom who had been very busy raising two boys.  I was paralyzed for some time and did nothing.

I was teaching fitness classes which is something that I really love doing.  I thrive on helping people, motivating and supporting them to reach their fitness and health goals.  Getting them to that point where their fulfilled and on that road where their improving themselves and living a healthier lifestyle.  Who doesn't want to be around for their grandchildren?  So when I was introduced to Beachbody, Shaun T, Insanity and finally Shakeology...I knew it was an opportunity I had to take.  It fit right in with everything I was already doing, I was already pretty much a health coach and now I could earn income doing what I loved doing.  The road is never about being straight, it's about taking veering off to the left or right because if you're always on a straight away, how will you every know what's around that corner?

So I'm building my business one day at a time.  It's stressful and exciting all at the same time.  But one thing I've learned is I CAN, I WILL AND I MUST.  Rome wasn't built in a day!

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