Monday, December 8, 2014

Top 10 Calorie-Burning Activities

Top Ten 

Who doesn't love a Top Ten list?  A really easy, quick and efficient way for you to get the information you're seeking.  

If you want to be in top shape for anything you do, the gym may beckon you.  A gym workout certainly has its benefits (I love weight lifting), but if you'd rather burn calories and tone up without being a gym rat, well you're in luck.  There're a bunch of sports and other activities that'll have you feeling and looking good in no time.

Here are your top 10-calorie burning sports and recreational activities:

10. SWIMMING - Calories burned per hour: 500-800

Swimming's biggest health benefit is its complete lack of impact to your joints and it's a great toner.  Keep in mind though when we talk about swimming, we don't mean cannonball contests and games of Marco Polo.  If you have a pool or access to one put aside some time to swim laps.  You'll be amazed at how quickly you tire but please at how the water keeps you cool.

9. JOGGING - Calories burned per hour: 550-900

The middle ground between walking and running, a steady jog can be a great fat-burner.  You don't need to run as fast as you can, a simple trot over a period of time will do wonders for your cardiovascular fitness as well as help you tone up and strengthen your core muscles.  The key is to jog for a significant distance, so don't burn yourself out by starting out with a pace you can't keep up with.  And whether you're an experienced jogger or a beginner, proper stretching will ensure you complete your jog with happy muscles.

8. RACKET SPORTS - Calories burned per hour: 600-900

Start, stop.  Start, stop.  Start, stop.  Such is the rhythm of sports like tennis and squash.  It's a great workout, however you might not want to tackle these sports if you have bad knees or ankles.  Remember for the maximum physical benefit, singles tennis is better then its double counterpart because you'll cover more ground during a match.  Your shoulders, forearms and hips will get a workout even if you're a beginner.

7. FOOTBALL - Calories burned per hour: 600-900

You don't have to strap on the pads and risk injuries and bruises to get in shape through the team sport of football.  Hundreds of flag and touch leagues exist across the continent allowing you to play in a variety of skill divisions, including coed.  With so many leagues it means it'll be easy for you to find one that suits your skill level, which makes it more fun to get out and burn calories.  And whether you're on offense or defense, the running and quick changes in direction will be sure to help you tone up and drop the pounds.

6. STAIR CLIMBING - Calories burned per hour: 650-900

When you're told about stair-climbing you might think of a treadmill that simulates stairs but this list isn't about activities that are done in the gym.  Instead, do the real thing...there are few things like it.  We've all seen athletes running stadium steps long before fans arrive and they do this for a reason.  The climbing motion works not only your lower body and quickly firms your glutes but it also makes your upper half work as well.  Mix up your routine by jumping with your feet together up one stair, then two at a time.

5. ICE HOCKEY - Calories burned per hour: 650-900

Depending where you live, outdoor ice hockey might not be possible but just about every city in North America has an indoor arena.  Ice skating is a superb workout but add the quick changes and rapid moves of a game of hockey and you've got an even better activity.  Recreational and industrial leagues are increasing in popularity, meaning it'll be easy to find a group of individuals at your same skill level.  It's a great whole body workout with emphasis on your legs (all those squats will finally come in handy).

4. MARTIAL ARTS - Calories burned per hour: 700-1,100

Regardless of whether you're practicing karate, judo, tae kwon do or any other martial arts, you can't go wrong.  Any activity that has you moving quickly and in a variety of ways is sure to help tone you up, whether your learning a new martial art or you're an experienced combatant.  Remember you don't have to learn this skill with the intention of fighting or grappling. Gyms are full of people learning combat sports without the intention of stepping into the ring.

3. JUMPING ROPE- Calories burned per hour: 700 - 1,100

Boxers do it to warm up but after a few short minutes of this activity, you'll be considering it more than just a simple preface to your workout.  It's simple but effective and works the entire body as well as helps you with hand-eye coordination.  You'll easily improve hand and foot speed as the calories fall away.  Once you've moved up from basic jumps, it's a fun challenge to incorporate speed steps, side swings and crossing patterns to your routine.

2. SOCCER - Calories burned per hour: 900-1400

Still have World Cup fever?  You might enjoy translating that passion to a pitch near you.  In soccer, you'll walk a bit, jog a bit more and sprint occasionally but the key thing to remember is that you're always moving.  The large dimensions of the playing surface means there's plenty of ground to cover and you'll certainly find yourself in a lot of foot races.  You'll get a chance to jog backwards and from side to side, keeping your body limber and fit.  Remember groin and hip flexor injuries are common in this game, so stretch longer here than you might for another sport.

1. RUNNING - Calories burned per hour: 900-1,500

Walking and jogging are great but upping your pace will mean more calories burned and more toning of your muscles.  Running is ideal in that it works every part of your body from your calves and quads to your abs and pecs.  For the best calorie-burning potential, try to keep your speed above 8 mph.  Running in nature, whether on a trail or even in a residential area offers a constant change of scenery that'll make you happy to step off the treadmill.
And there you have it!  Whether it's number 10 swimming, number 1 running or anything in're sure to burn calories, have fun and tone up your body.

Peace out,

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Indulge or not?

It's Thanksgiving...a day to celebrate and spend with the family drinking and yes eating!  Do you indulge or not?  That's the big question on all the TV shows, magazines, newspapers, etc.  I'm going to be perfectly honest here...100% real.  I eat clean, stay fit by lifting weights and other exercising activities 90% of the time.  Not only do I do this for myself, I also do this for a living.  I'm a Fitness Instructor as well as a Health and Wellness Coach.  And guess what......

......I EAT on Thanksgiving.  Yep, I eat everything.  Not a lot of everything in moderation, no counting my calories and absolutely eating dessert and lots of it.  Do I do myself a disservice, do I ruin everything I work so hard for?  I don't think so.  It's my favorite Holiday of the year, I love the food, I love everything pumpkin and I just don't feel like "moderation" and counting calories on this particular day.  It comes around once a year and I'm going to enjoy.  Am I crazy full, bloated and somewhat disgusted when I'm all done?  Sure, a little bit but with no regrets.  So there you have it:
I eat and I eat a lot on Thanksgiving!

That being all said...there are plenty of people who do still want to watch themselves or eat in moderation.  Maybe there on a food plan or have been doing really well with their eating and they just don't want to indulge that day or they're scared once they do, they won't be able to stop.  I understand that completely.  Being a sweet and carb addict, I do get that when it's out of my diet I crave it a lot less.  And when I bring it back in I do have a hard time cutting it out again. So I'm on board with that and wanted to give a few tips on how you can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without going overboard like!


1. Plan Ahead - If you have a plan you're always more successful.  You may be a guest and not know exactly what's being served but you certainly can ask the hostess and be mentally prepared.  If you go into your day knowing that you're going to stick to your portion sizes and certain dishes, etc. then you'll be far more successful.  Same thing goes for your desserts or other INDULGENCES.  Plan for it, know what you'll be eating and be ok with it.

2. Know Your Portions Sizes - Being that we live in America, everything is super sized and I'm pretty sure that most people have no idea what portion sizes really look like.  Right?  So we need to focus on what a serving really is.  Eat small portions of the dishes.  By keeping everything on the smaller side, you can enjoy everything including the sides without being stuffed at the end. Of course leaving room for the best part...dessert.

3. Have ONE Serving - Ok, how many of us have gone back for seconds and even thirds on Thanksgiving?  Guilty as charged for me!  Do we really need it?  Most likely not, have you ever walked away from having those extra servings and said to yourself "I really needed that."  Doubtful.  So plan your meal and just eat ONE of everything!

4. Limit Your Alcohol - Once you start drinking, you lose all sense of what you're eating, how much of it and how much you're drinking and you're also packing on the calories.  Go into the day with a PLAN of how much you're going to drink the same as with your eating.  Will you have one glass of wine with appetizers and one at dinner...whatever it is...PLAN for it!  You definitely don't need to be drinking all day.  And don't forget to drink a lot of water.

5. Get Moving - Get up Thursday morning and get your body moving.  Walk, lift weights, get a 30 minute at home workout in, a turkey trot, whatever it is just move.  Yes, it's a Holiday and we have the mentality of having a day off but taking those 30 minutes in the morning to do some kind of activity will pay off in the end.  It's a day of a lot of eating and we want to get that metabolism moving first thing in the morning.  I'll be doing Les Mills Pump!  Then if the weather isn't too bad where you live, go for a walk around the block with the family after dinner.  Then you'll be already for dessert!

Check out this great chart on PORTION CONTROL: 


Peace out,

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The New Year from A to Z

We are 3/4 the way through November with Thanksgiving just around the corner and the start of the "official" Holiday season.  With just 6 weeks left of 2014, it's time to start thinking about the new year of 2015.  What are you looking to accomplish next year?  Do you have goals set for yourself or are you just flying by the seat of your pants?  Any New Year's resolutions...loose weight, get healthy and fit, make more money, take a vacation, etc?

Below is my A to Z list for 2015.  Please feel free to comment below and tell me yours.  This is a really fun way to plan your year ahead and do your best to stick to it.  When figuring out your goals try to make them as realistic as possible so that your successful.  Make the year of 2015 your best year yet, I know I plan to!

2015 - My year from A to Z

  • A - Acceptance being able to accept myself for who and where I am in life.  My situation isn't permanent and changes will occur but in the meantime I'm going accept my circumstances and be happy with everything I have.  Not dwell on what I don't have!
  • B - Believe in myself because I know exactly where I want to be next year and I believe that I WILL reach my goals.  Where there's a will there's always a way.  Believe in you and you will achieve anything that you want.
  • C- Consistency  because when you're consistent in what you do and your choices, you always come out on top.  I'm going to be consistent with my home business everyday so that I see growth this coming year.
  • D - Debt Free  my absolute biggest goal for 2015.  I resolve right here and now that all my debt will be paid off in this coming year.  I WILL be debt free and have that financial freedom to do things for my boys and myself as well as give back to others.
  • E- Excel  in everything I do. Whether it's something simple like learning how to cook something new or harder like training for my second Spartan race.
  • F - Fair  to always be fair in every situation.  There are two sides to every story.  Never judge until you know all the facts.
  • G - Giving when you give without any expectation it's the greatest gift in the world.  Paying it forward is so rewarding.  My goal for 2015 is to be more giving of myself to both my boys and the world.
  • H - Happy  is your glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?  Mine next year is 1/2 full and I'm going to be focusing on inner happiness.  Being happy is a habit that needs to be worked on everyday.  Your mindset is everything and this simple step of how you view things will not only make you happy but it will better your relationships, profits and career.  Here's to happiness!
  • I - Ice Cream  yes...I do love ice cream and I plan on eating it next year!  And I had to have something light and humorous on this list.
  • J - Jealousy there is no room for this in my life at all next year.  I need to be happy with what I have not what I don't have.  Jealousy is a wasted emotion that is just plain ugly.  If I'm secure with myself and my life then there's no need for this at all!
  • K - Kindness  I've never felt more at peace then when I share kindness to others.  Whether it's a stranger, family or close friends.  When you spread this to others, it will surround you with beautiful things for yourself as well.  What comes around goes around.  Spread kindness wherever you go.
  • L - Live  live everyday as if it's your last.  The bottom line is we are not guaranteed or owed another day.  Yes I get bogged down with my everyday life of working and raising two boys on my own BUT I'm making a promise to myself to really live everyday to it's fullest in 2015.  Join me and I assure you that you'll have an amazing and unexpected year.
  • M - Mom  now if this isn't the toughest job in the world.  Do I get frustrated, do I yell, do I shake my head and do I get completely exasperated raising a teenager and another who's on his way?  The answer to all these questions is: YES.  But I still vow everyday as I did this year and the one before as well to be the best mom that I can be to my two truly amazing boys!
  • N- Never  I will never get down on myself, I will never ever GIVE UP, I will never let my life get in the way of my dreams, I will never say I CAN'T, I will never say I WON'T, I will never be lazy and the list goes on.
  • O - Orange  not my favorite color at all so I'm going to try and wear some orange next year and see how that!
  • P - Positivity when you think in good light and wipe all those negative thoughts away then positive things happen.  I'm living proof of this and I will continue to have a positive attitude next year as well.
  • Q - Quinoa  I don't love it but everyone is eating it.  I will try to eat more of it next year as I know it's really good for you!
  • R - Role Model I want to be a really great role model for my boys next year.  Things have been hard on all of us the last 5 years.  Next year I will show them that I'm a successful business woman who started her business from nothing, worked her ass off everyday and is finally making something of it and herself.  I WILL buy us a small house next year and get us out of the tiny quarters we live in now.
  • S - Simplicity  my life has been pretty complicated the last 5 years.  A lot of drama, a lot of ups and downs and a lot of uncertainty.  Next year is all about simple, easy and only keeping the people who stuck by me in my life.  The rest is history.
  • T - Temptation  it's everywhere.  I'm planning on doing my best to not always give into it.  Sometimes I'll be successful and sometimes I won't but I'm planning on staying focused and on course.  I have very important things to accomplish this coming year.
  • U - Universe  what you put out is what you get back.  Law of Attraction.  Let's be thankful that we're alive and in this world.  Please treat this world we live in with respect and always give back kindly to it.  That's my plan.
  • V - Vacuum  I rarely do this and I have a dog.  I think I need to start vacuuming more, it'll probably be good all around for me to make friends with the vacuum!
  • W - Work  a lot and really hard.  My business isn't going to be successful with me sitting around and hoping something will happen.  Nope...I need to work my ass off everyday and then an only then will it become what I want it to be.  I'm a Diamond in the rough...soon to be just a Diamond!
  • X - Xylophone  is there any other words that start with X?  Haha...I think I'll try to learn how to play one.  NOT but seriously can I use the word extra and say that I'll give that extra effort to everything I do next year.
  • Y - Yes  because the word NO and I CAN'T is not in my vocabulary.
  • Z - Zen  peace and happiness for another year.  What more could I ask for?
I hope you all enjoyed my list for 2015 and I would love to hear yours.  Comment below and share because writing it down is the first step in actually succeeding in following it! 

Peace out,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Too busy to workout...who doesn't have 30 minutes?

Don't have a lot of time to exercise.  Here's a NO EXCUSES quick way to burn fat and build muscle with this equipment free and cardio plus strength circuit.  With short but intense intervals, full body strength moves and an extra dose of ab work, you'll slim down your entire body and tighten your core.  Do this 10 minute circuit 3 times in a row for the best 30 minute workout.  And don't forget the Holidays are just around the corner so let's get to it!

Jump Rope Drill - who doesn't remember how to jump rope.  This is so efficient and is a complete body workout.

Time: 1 minute and 30 Seconds
Works: Thighs, calves, shoulders, back and a little cardio

Squats - LOVE squats.  The best exercise for your butt!  If you want a nice round tush, do these everyday!  Make sure you stand with your feet hips width apart, keeping your back straight and your weight directly over your heels.  Bend your legs to about 90 degrees.

Time: 2 minutes
Works: Butt, thighs

Lunges - Another great exercise for you butt!  Make sure you start with your feet together.  Step forward with one foot about 3 feet keeping that front knee bent.  Balancing on the ball of the foot that's in the back position.  Shoulders lined up over your hips and bend both knees to lower your body with both legs around 90 degrees and hands by your sides.

Time: 1 minute
Works: Butt, thighs and hips

Vertical Leg Crunches - Our favorite and least favorite part of our bodies especially if you've had kids!  Lie on your back on a mat.  Lift your legs up (keeping them together) with the heels pointed toward the ceiling.  Raise your arms and reach for your toes, lower your body and repeat.  Keep the core tight and do as many as you can for 30 seconds.

Time: 30 Seconds
Works: Abs

Box and Reach Drill - Oh those sides and love handles...these are tough and not our friends, those obliques.  Start in the same position as the vertical leg crunches but instead of bringing your arms straight up to your toes, your going to reach one arm to opposite toe, come to center, switch and repeat for 30 seconds.

Time: 30 Seconds
Works: Obliques

Flutter Kicks - Keep working those abs over and over again!  Begin in the box and reach drill position and then lower the legs until there about a 1 foot above the mat.  Arms are at your side, palms facing down and right under your lower back, top of your butt for support.  Both legs move simultaneously up and down in opposite directions.  When one is up the other is down.  Core is engaged the whole time.

Time: 1 minute
Works: Abs, hips

Modified Lower-Back Bends - If you want a strong core than you need a strong back.  Your core is not just the front, it goes all the way around.  This is how you can strengthen your back.  Lying on your stomach with your feet hips width apart and the tops of your feet touching the mat.  Arms are bent at the elbows, hands slightly higher than your shoulders with palms on the mat.  Flex your butt and lower back and slowly raise your legs and arms about 6 inches off the mat.  Return to starting position and repeat for 30 seconds.

Time: 30 Seconds
Works: Lower Back and butt

Push-Ups - You want to get really strong in a really efficient amount of time?  You guessed it, do push-ups and lots of them.  Fantastic exercise that I absolutely love.  Get in a traditional push-up position, feet a few inches apart, arms straight and hand near your shoulders.  Shoulders are over wrists.  It's ok to modify and start on your knees until you get stronger.  Your body is a board and should form a straight line from your head to your heels.  Keep your abs tight and drop your body down bending both arms at the elbows and repeat for as many as you can do.

Time: 30 Seconds
Works: Chest, arms, back and abs

Upward Dog- This is such a great exercise of your back, it really stretches it out and feels good.  Start in your push-up position, then widen your feet about 1 1/2 feet and push your butt toward the ceiling.  Lower your body to the floor slowly by bending your arms and dragging your chest across the mat.  Then press you body upward until your arms are back in the straight position and your lower back is arched.  Reverse the move to return to butt in the air position and repeat.

Time: 30 Seconds
Works: Chest, arms, back and abs

Jumping Jacks - Another fantastic cardio and full body exercise that will raise your hear rate and get the blood pumping.  I love these and I know we all know how to do them.  Start with feet together, hands by your sides.  Separate your legs and bring your arms straight up in the air until they touch in one jumping motion and back to starting position.

Time: 2 minutes
Works: Hips, thighs, butt and cardio

We all have 30 minutes in the day...we just need to make it a priority.  Schedule it like you would schedule a doctor's appointment.  I like to work out in the morning before my body has time to realize what I'm doing it to it!

Peace out!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What's For Dinner?

How many times have you heard that question?  Countless I'm sure, I know I have many times over.  Imagine the average mom (working and stay at home), who's tired and either just got home from work or the daily grind of the after school craziness.  Kids are doing homework or running around and you've just realized you have no idea what you're making for dinner.  You ask the kids, "What do you want for dinner?"  The kids look at you with that look that only kids can have, shrug and go back to what they were doing.  You think to yourself, that's so not helping me.

Does this sound like you?  It was me for a long time until I made a plan that works!  What is that plan, I'll tell you don't worry.  A lot of people waste a lot of money at the grocery story.  Why?  Because it's hard to juggle being Susie homemaker if you're working or at home and have kids, sports, doctor appointments and whatever else there is filling up the day.  And top that off with the fact that everyone else is eating something different.  You're on a diet, you're younger one doesn't like asparagus, the older one doesn't like meat and so on.  So you end up racing to the store for last minute meals or worse take out.

When you were food shopping you had really great intentions of making meals and using all the food you purchased only to end up throwing 1/2 of it away because it's gone bad.  So how do we remedy that and what's the plan that I spoke of earlier.  It's being consistent, realistic and making sure you really plan your dinners for each night.  Meal planning, although at times can seem consuming at first, in the end will save you dollars and cents instead of throwing that money in the garbage.  Detailed grocery lists where you go in specifically just for those items and some essentials that you need weekly.  Planning ahead and even making 3 days worth of meals on Sundays and the other 3 on Wednesdays.

It does take some due diligence on your part but it's worth it in the end.  Not only will you save money but you'll also be eating better and most likely will lose some weight.  I started doing this awhile back and it's the best thing I've ever done.  I sit down with my pen and paper (old style) and write down exactly what I need for each night and each meal.  The extra time I take to do this saves me countless trips to the store, money, forgetting about or letting old food go bad and most important it saves me all that stress!

If you want to develop a real plan for your money, start with a food budget!  And include everything, not just the grocery store.  Make sure you add in take-out, Starbucks (that adds up), lunch out, gas station snacks, the sandwich shop and so on.  All those trips you make during the week because you didn't plan ahead will add up quickly.  Let's budget that food, plan ahead and save some money in the process so we can live the lives we were meant to live...debt FREE!

Peace out,

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Tis the Season to be to keep our selves in check and not gain weight!

It's November 1st, Halloween has come and gone and I'd say the Holiday season has just about begun.  Thanksgiving is 3+ weeks away and the parties, excessive eating and drinking will soon be upon us.  Have you ever struggled in the past with putting on weight during the Holidays?  If you have, you're not alone.  The average person gains around 2 to 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It's that time of year when extra calories lurk around every corner - frosted cookies at the office, eggnog at your neighbor's party, chocolate gelt at Hanukkah or candy canes in your stocking.  All these extras add up, and if your like most Americans, you'll put weight on during this time.  So what's the harm in a little Holiday weight gain, especially if it's just 2 to 5 pounds?  According to the researchers at the National Institute of Health, most Americans never lose the weight they gain during the winter holidays.  The pounds add up year after year, making holiday weight gain an important factor in adult obesity.

There's no doubt it's a time to celebrate, enjoy family, good food, drink and be merry but it MUST be done in moderation.  Portion control is key!  It's ok to treat yourself,  just do your best to not go overboard and take on the attitude of "oh I eat terrible so therefore I'm going to continue to eat terrible for weeks", hence 5 pounds just like that!  It goes on that quickly and it takes twice the amount of time if not more to take it off.  And the older we get the harder it becomes to take that weight off.

Every year after New Years we make our resolutions and the most popular one is to lose weight.  Not everyone actually sees this through but a good amount of us do.  We spend the whole year working on ourselves, maybe losing some weight, gaining some muscle and most importantly getting our nutrition down and then the holidays come around and we fall off the wagon BIG time.  Only to come back on January 1st and make that same resolution, sound familiar??  Let's stop that vicious cycle!

Here's some great tips to help you during the Holiday season:

  1. Never Arrive Hungry - Planning ahead can help you maintain discipline in the face of temptation.  Try not to go to a party when your starving.  Have a nutritious snack beforehand.  Also drink some water to fill you up before filling up your plate.
  2. Divert Your Attention - There's more to a party than just the food.  Enjoy your friends, the music and socializing.  Take your mind off the food and focus on conversation and having a good time with family and friends.
  3. Pace Yourself - Try not to eat everything in the first 1/2 hour of the party.  Eating quickly makes you chew faster.  Chewing more slowly will fill you up with less food.  Pace yourself and put your fork down between bites, that puts you in control.
  4. Count Your Appetizers - When you're eating appetizers it's easy to loose count of how many you've eaten.  Hold onto your toothpicks and count them up...stick to the number you set for yourself before the party.
  5. Outsmart The Buffet - When dinner is served buffet style, choose the smallest plate available and don't stack your food.  Make it one story high.  Go for the simplest foods on the buffet table.  Fresh fruits, vegetables and shrimp cocktail are all good choices.  Be careful of sauces and dips.
  6. Limit Your Alcohol - Do your best to avoid drinking a lot at these parties.  Not only is it calories and sugars but it's also a loss of control.  The more you drink the more you'll eat because you're just not as aware.  If you feel out of place without a drink in your hand, carry one with water or club soda.
  7. Be Choosy About Sweets - I'm so selective when it comes to dessert.  If I'm going to indulge it has to be worth it.  My personal rule is if it's going to have calories it has to be chocolate!  Try not to take one bite of several desserts, most people can't just eat one bite of anything.  I know I can't.  If this is you, you're better off taking a small portion of one dessert.
  8. Bring Your Own Treats -  I do this a lot!  Bringing your own dessert that you really enjoy will make the more fattening sweets less tempting.  And if you love fruit then bring fruit.  It doesn't have to be chocolate per se.
  9. Limit Tastes While Cooking - If you're one that does a lot of cooking over the holidays, limit all the tasting.  That will add up before you know it.  Instead of tasting mindlessly every few minutes, try to take two small bites pre and post seasoning.
  10. Walk it off - Take a walk afterwards with the family, a friend or significant other.  Just get moving, whether it's walking, going to the gym or working out at home.  Don't let your exercise routine fall apart during the Holiday season, keep that going.  There's something about physical activity that keeps us in control of our eating.
Most importantly enjoy the Season, be safe and remind yourself portion control is the key to success!  Do something positive and proactive so you don't have to get mad about it!!

Peace out.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How I afford Shakeology as a Single Mom?

I always thought because my money was so tight that the best I could do was make my own smoothies.  I did this for awhile and although I really love making my own from scratch, they were lacking in nutritional value.  During this time that I was making my own smoothies, I was also going through difficult times.  I was getting divorced and I was stressed out to the max.  I put on 18 pounds which is a lot on my frame.

Then one day a friend told me about Insanity and what it did for her.  I needed a change BIG time in my exercise routine and my nutrition.  I was in a rut and couldn't find my way out.  I purchased Insanity and within a few weeks of cleaning up my food and doing the program, I started seeing results.  I kept seeing all this information on Shakeology and new I needed to try was the last piece of the puzzle.  So I signed up as a Coach and got the biggest discount you could get and ordered my Chocolate Shakeology.  I have a HUGE SWEET TOOTH.  In just 3 days I felt like a new person!

Now not only do I get one bag of Shakeology, I get sometimes get two so I never run out of it.  I use it for sweet tooth recipes as well!  I know what you're thinking: It's expensive, so how can I swing it?  I took a look at my spending habits and with just a few tweaks in what I was buying, I found it very doable!  Here's how I did it...

How I afford ONE to TWO bags of Shakeology every month.

Things I no longer buy:

  • I DO NOT buy bottled water.  The price of bottled water is insane.  I have a filter and I use my own water.
  • I DO NOT buy fancy coffee.  Starbucks admits they have an 80% markup.
  • I DO NOT buy TV Channels.  You can watch just about anything online these days.
  • I DO NOT eat out very often.  I have my kids every other weekend and we pick one night to go out, otherwise we eat in and have a lot of fun making dinner together.  We sit down as a family and catch up.  This is priceless as these days are numbered with them!
  • I DO NOT buy candy, gum, desserts, cookies or non-essential items.  It makes no sense at all to me to spend my money on junk food and crap when I buy best nutrient dense shake there is with 70 superfoods to nourish myself with.  What would be the point of filling myself with crap...all I'd be doing is a disservice to myself.
  • I DO NOT have a gym membership.  Instead, I work out right in the comfort of my own home.  I pop the DVD in and do many different Beachbody programs that were created by some of the best trainers.  Plus I save money in gas by not driving back and forth to the gym everyday.
  • I DO NOT take any extra vitamins or supplements.  Shakeology contains over 70 dense superfood ingredients and therefore I don't need any additional supplements. Food in its synergistic form works together to keep my body healthy and full of energy as well as keeping my cells fed.

Why I think Shakeology is a great deal:

  • Shakeology is the only thing that get's rid of my sweet cravings.  Shakeology gives my body what it needs because it's so nutrient dense and fills me up like nothing else ever has.  I mix it up with 1/2 banana, 1/2 almond milk and PB with lots of ice and it's like drinking a milkshake and tastes like a bite of heaven!
  • Shakeology is so easy to make and convenient.  You can make it anywhere and it takes under 5 minutes to mix up.
  • Shakeology is packed with Superfoods.  I use to buy a bunch of superfoods separately and add them to my shakes and then I realized how much money it was adding up to and it didn't make any sense.  I was actually spending more than I do now.  Therefore, I actually SAVE money by drinking Shakeology every day!
Why my body loves this stuff..........

I had tried so many other shakes before I became a Shakeology advocate and none of them compared or came even close.  They all had ingredients in them that I just wasn't ok with.  I will only consume food that I can understand, read and that has some kind of nutritional value for me.  I have an auto-immune disease and I need to keep an eye on what I eat.  The healthier and fitter I am, the longer I can stave off my PolyCystic Kidney Disease.  Shakeology is the first shake with ingredients that are ALL the ones that are actually good for me.  I drink the regular Chocolate Shakeology and LOVE it.  When I first started with Insanity, I did it for the first 30 days without the shake and didn't think I needed it.  It wasn't until I tried it that I realized what my body had been missing and how much of a treasure it really was.  I have never looked back.  I've been drinking it every day for 2 1/2 years and plan on drinking it every day going forward.

One shake a day keeps me feeling healthy in every way!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Who Doesn't LOVE Food??

Food...the definition: any nutritious substance that people or animals drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.  That's a good definition but I like this one better: something I can't live without because I love it so much, especially chocolate or anything sweet for that matter!  Ok, yes I have a SWEET tooth and a very big one at that.  I'm a big foodie in general but I'll eat dessert over meals any day of the week and it must consist of chocolate and I'd take peanut butter with that as well.

So how do we balance that out when we try so hard to eat well?  Do we forgo sweets altogether?  Do we never go out to dinner or eat really great food?  I think not because depriving oneself of these things we love will only make us want them more.  First and foremost, everything in MODERATION is how I try to live my life.  Second there are so many ways to have your cake and eat it too.  You just need to find healthier versions of those foods you love.  And yes sometimes we do need to just eat that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup...but I digress!  And Halloween is just around the corner as well as the holidays.  So we are heading into the "season to be jolly."

Food will always be social and even more so around the holidays.  This time of year is a time for family, fun, food, entertaining and enjoyment.  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I LOVE anything pumpkin (again there's the sweet tooth).  And we're all going to indulge as we should but let's try to keep our day to day eating on spot the best that we can.

Here's a great recipe for that SWEET tooth.  A nice healthy alternative where we get that little something yummy but don't sacrifice a lot of sugar, fat and calories!

SWEET TOOTH SOLUTION! Simply Delicious Chocolate Shakeology Pie
2 scoops of Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp of pure vanilla
1/2 c. unsweetened chocolate almond milk
4 oz plain Greek yogurt
4 oz plain reduced fat cream cheese
1 gluten-free pie crust (home-made or store bought)
coconut cream (whipped) or low-fat cream whipped with truvia
cocao (not cocoa.. you will find in this in health section)
dark chocolate chips
Blend first 5 ingredients, and pour into a pie shell, top with coconut whipped cream, or low fat truvia whipped cream. Sprinkle cocoa and dark chocolate chips on top. Set for 3hrs; So freaking good for the sweet tooth and a much better alternative.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Your Money Mindset

What do you think of when the word money is spoken to you?  What's the first thing that comes to your mind?  Is it buying a new car, a house, going on a vacation, new clothes, shoes, jewelry and the list goes on.  Something tells me you're not thinking paying off debt or putting that money away.  Maybe saving it to make sure you have a nest egg just in case something comes up out of the blue or investing it wisely.  I know that's not what I think of doing.  As a matter of fact I'm up to my ears in debt.  But I've had enough and have finally decided it's time to start thinking about just that.

We spend our money instead of saving it because we're taught by the media that our money is meant to be spent and we also buy things to make ourselves feel better, don't we?  I know that I was a huge participant in this for many years.  I was a shopaholic (mostly clothes) but honestly it could be anything as long as I was shopping.  I thought this would make the unhappiness in my life go away but I found out that high only lasted for so long and then the bills came.  After going through my divorce, I had to learn not do that anymore but I also found I didn't need to do it anymore. As hard as my divorce was, I was no longer feeling weighed down and unhappy.  Spending is all psychological and the media knows that.

But I'm still in debt over whole bunch of other things and I need to stop the cycle.  What would happen if I could no longer work or if something major came down the pipe?  Would I find myself in big trouble?  The answer is yes!  Would you?

But I have figured out by doing a lot of reading that the people who have debt, living paycheck to paycheck and those who are debt free or bank their money into savings has nothing to do with how much money they make and everything to do with their mindset.  People who are debt free have several things in common.

* Debt free people spend a lot less.  Again it's not about how much money they make, it's about how much they keep.
* Debt free people have financial goals.  If you don't have a goal for your money, you will see it get sucked into other things and it will disappear.
* Debt free people believe in personal responsibility.  I think most of us always have an excuse (I know I do) and blame others or circumstances on why we're in debt.
* Debt free people see debt as being in prison.  Debt is like a modern day's a mortgage on your future.

We are the owners of our own finances and I know that I need to take responsibility for mine.  I've gotten myself into this and I'm going to get myself out by practicing the examples about and reading a lot of books so that I'm more knowledgeable.  And I'm starting now, today...I don't want to wait for everything to come crashing down or to hit rock bottom to make a change.  So the change is happening TODAY!  My new vision for money is to be debt free, everything paid off and savings in the bank.  What's your new vision?  Comment below and share this with anyone else that's going through this just like me.

Peace out

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Are you struggling to eat healthy but your money is tight and it's way too expensive to do this??  I know I am but in order to build muscle and lose fat, you need lots of healthy foods. So I do my best to cut back where I can and make healthy eating a priority!  We need proteins to build and maintain muscle. Carbs for energy. Fruits & veggies for vitamins, minerals and fiber. Water for hydration and recovery. And healthy fats to help fat loss. 

Unfortunately, the rising food prices make it hard to eat healthy. Your paycheck is most likely not rising as fast. And if you're a single mom or student it makes it even harder.  Here's 10 great tips that I've implemented to help myself and you eat healthy on a budget. 

1. Buy Whole Foods. Unprocessed foods are cheaper and more nutritious than processed foods. They also give you total control over the ingredients. Avoid anything that comes from a box 90% of the time. 

     *Proteins. Ground beef, frozen chicken breast, tuna cans, calves’ liver, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, eggs, milk, whey, … 
     *Carbs. Pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, beans, apples, bananas, raisins, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, …
     *Fats. Olive oil, fish oil, flax seeds, real butter, mixed nuts, …

2. Buy Cheap ProteinsYou need 1g protein per pound of body-weight per day to build and maintain muscle. Eating whole protein with each meal also helps fat loss as protein has a higher thermic effect than other foods. 

Keep the steaks & salmon for special occasions. Buy eggs, milk, whey, mackerel, tuna, calves liver, frozen chicken breast and cottage cheese.

3. Buy Frozen Fruits & Veggies. Unfreeze berries in microwave and eat warm with cottage cheese. Frozen spinach is great.  Also try frozen beans & broccoli. Here's your benefits:

     *Save Money. Often half the price of fresh. Almost infinite shelf life when kept in freezer. And you can buy in bulk to get more discount. 
     *Save Time. Frozen fruits & veggies are pre-washed and pre-cut, which saves preparation time. Time is money. 
     *Nutrient Dense. If frozen right when picked, frozen fruits & veggies can contain more nutrients than fresh ones.

4. Buy Generic Food. And store brands. Raw foods like rice, pasta, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, frozen fruits/veggies, … taste like brand name foods once you get used to them. But they’ll save you money on packaging & advertising.

5. Buy in Bulk. Especially when you have promos running. Foods like pasta, rice and oats are easy to stockpile. If they’re on sale, buy as much as you can afford & store to last you until the next sale.

6. Buy In Season Fruits & Veggies. Food grown in season tastes better and is cheaper. Root vegetables in the Winter. Apples & squash in the Fall. Broccoli & berries in the Summer.

7. Buy Calorie Dense Foods. Whole milk, potatoes, rice, pasta and oats are filling, healthy and easy to stockpile. They’ll help you get your daily caloric needs in fast and cheap.

8. Drink Tap Water. Get a brita pitcher and filter your tap water. It’s cheaper than bottled water, soda or orange juice. One $8 filter cleans 40 gallons water and makes it taste a lot better.

9. Avoid Impulse Buying. “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. The best way to avoid impulse buying is to prepare yourself before you do the grocery. 

     *Makes a List and Stick to It. Plan your meals ahead, including portion size. List all foods you need for the next 7 to 14 days. Go the grocery store, get what’s on your list and get out. 

     *Eat Before You Go Shopping. This prevents buying foods not on your list because you’re hungry. Eat a solid meal before doing the grocery. 
     *Shop Alone. Prevents impulse buying from wife/husband and/or kids. Leave them home. Take them to more fun places when you get back.

10. Buy From Local Farmers. Or farmer’s markets. They aren’t always cheaper, but you get tastier & better quality food and they often give you free stuff when you buy a lot. Find local farmers in your area.  This is one of the most important things that we should all be doing...buying locally!  Supporting our local farms :-).

I know how hard it is to eat this way and stay on your weekly and monthly budget for food.  I'm a single mom with two growing boys (who eat a lot) and it's not easy to make this happen every week.  But I do my best and I hope that these 10 tip will help you be able to save some $$ and make eating healthy a priority in your life.

Peace out,


Saturday, October 11, 2014

It's the Weekend!

It's the weekend!  Time to relax, sit back and not be on a "schedule."  Well yes and no, especially if you have kids and if they have sports.  I'll be heading to a hockey game this afternoon and then my boys and I are going to go out for a nice dinner.  We may still be busy but it's a different kind of busy.  No homework, no doctor's appointments and no trying to fit a whole other day within a day at 3PM.

I like the weekends with my boys even when were busy.  It allows all of us to really spend time together.  In today's world with all the activities, sports, social media and appointments we have get to during the week, it's really nice to sleep in (if we can...sometimes there are early games), make a really nice nutritious breakfast and talk to one another.  I have a teenager and an 11 year old and I MUST keep the lines of communication open.  Someone once said to me when my boys were really little, "little kids...little problems, big kids...big problems and I have never forgotten that.

When your kids get older and especially when they become teenagers you start to lose the control you once had.  And really you have to start letting go.  They are becoming there own individuals and need to make their own decisions as well as their own mistakes.  This I'm finding is very hard for a me as a mom.  On one hand you want them to grow up and become men and woman but on the other hand you want that cute, pudgy kid with the dirty hands that always looked up to you to never go away. It's a struggle but we all make it through and we watch our children become men and woman who can offer something to the world.

...and this is why I try to spend as much quality time as I can with them over the weekends.  Sometimes we sit around and do nothing, watch TV together or a movie or grab a bite to eat.  I will always cherish these moments because soon enough they'll be gone.  I know I need to stop and smell the roses occasionally and I find that the weekends help me do that.

How about you?  What do you all have planned for this weekend?

Peace out,

Friday, October 10, 2014

Building a Business One Day at a Time

Nobody ever said that Rome was built in a day.  As a matter of fact the actual saying is "Rome wasn't built in a day."  That being said, I've been building my home business for just about 2 years now.  It has not been an easy feat.  There's been a lot of ups and downs and I've wanted to quit more than a few times.  I recently watched a video about this woman who had a start up business and was on the verge of quitting and spoke with her mom on the phone.  She told her mom that she was going to quite and go find a "real" job and said her defining moment was when her mom said back to her "how do you know you're not quitting 5 minutes before the miracle begins."  And this woman said back to her mother, "I don't know" and her mother said, "well than honey you can't quit."  I listened to that video over and over again.  It resonated so much with me because it's the absolute TRUTH.  How do you know??  How do you ever know??

You don't ever know and that's why I wake up every day and press on because my business has grown a lot since I first started.  I don't always see that on a day to day basis but when I sit down and I look at the big picture, it has grown and it will continue to do so as long as I put the necessary work in.  I can't expect this business to take off on luck, it's a work in progress and I must work hard everyday at it so that one day it will be successful and I will have financial freedom.

When I went through my divorce and all these life changes 5 years ago, I wasn't left with a lot.  My security, my finances, my house and my cushy life were gone just like that.  In a matter of seconds my whole life changed from what I had known for the last 16 years.  That's a hard pill to swallow.  I had know idea what I was going to do with my life.  Here I was 40 years old, out of work for over 10 years and a stay at home mom who had been very busy raising two boys.  I was paralyzed for some time and did nothing.

I was teaching fitness classes which is something that I really love doing.  I thrive on helping people, motivating and supporting them to reach their fitness and health goals.  Getting them to that point where their fulfilled and on that road where their improving themselves and living a healthier lifestyle.  Who doesn't want to be around for their grandchildren?  So when I was introduced to Beachbody, Shaun T, Insanity and finally Shakeology...I knew it was an opportunity I had to take.  It fit right in with everything I was already doing, I was already pretty much a health coach and now I could earn income doing what I loved doing.  The road is never about being straight, it's about taking veering off to the left or right because if you're always on a straight away, how will you every know what's around that corner?

So I'm building my business one day at a time.  It's stressful and exciting all at the same time.  But one thing I've learned is I CAN, I WILL AND I MUST.  Rome wasn't built in a day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Busy Days!!!

Hi All!  Sorry I neve posted yesterday but my day was crazy and that's what we're going to talk about today.

BUSY DAYS.  Raising children, running a household and working are not easy.  The definition of MOM: Noun, a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.  Verb, bring up a child with care and affection or give birth to.  Hmmm...ok but where is "a woman who has to be everything to everyone, who sacrifices more than any other human being, who rarely leaves any time for herself, who's a taxi driver, who's a mediator, who somehow has super human powers where everyone around her thinks she can be in two places at once and so on...."  Aaah, motherhood!

I posted on my Facebook feed last night: Does anyone else feel like the hours between 2:30PM and 10PM are like a whole other day within the day . Crazy, insane, busy, driving all over the world to name just a few !! Because this is how I feel everyday of the week including weekends when I have my boys.  And I know from the response that I got on my Facebook post that I'm not alone.  My boys are getting older and every year we get busier and busier and this year is the busiest!  Between hockey practice (they both play and I have 5 practices a week to get them to), orthodontist, allergist, haircuts and the list goes head is spinning.  I feel like a run a marathon everyday but there's no FINISH line!  And that can make us all nutty!

So what do we do for ourselves to make the day to day craziness bearable?  For me it's fitness and health.  I teach classes in the morning or train and lift weights and then I get down to working on my business.  This all helps me with my stress.  As well chatting with some close friends or meeting up with a friend here and there for lunch.  But for the most part I'm busy when there at school and busy when they get home.  As moms, we need to make sure we do for ourselves or we get lost in just saying yes to everything and doing for everyone else.  Make it a priority to do one thing a day for YOU...whether it's big thing or small thing as long as it's SOMETHING :-).

Peace out!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hi all!  I'll be blogging mostly about being a single mom.  The day to day things, my wow moments, budgeting myself, finding a new career, raising two boys who are becoming men everyday and so much more.  If you find what I write interesting and it brings you some joy to read it, then I've won on so many levels!

I'm a fitness instructor as well as a Health Coach.  I work for a company called Beachbody and I teach group fitness classes.  I absolutely love what I do.  Helping people on their health and fitness journeys brings so much happiness in my life.  I've a had a few careers in my life but I've finally found the one that suits me the best.  I've realized that I'm actually really good at it!  It took some time, it didn't happen over night but what I've learned about myself in the last 5 years since my divorce is irreplaceable.  It wasn't always easy, it still isn't...everyday brings new obstacles and also new beginnings.

Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, climb your way back up to realize you're so much stronger than you could've ever imagined.  Miley Cyrus has a song that resonated so much with me when I was going through this.  The chorus says "Aint about how fast I get there, Aint about what's waiting on the other side, it's the climb" and that's the honest truth.  That's what I try to remember everyday.  That I have been to hell and back, that I made it out and that I'm a true warrior.

I struggle with money every month.  I'm teaching classes and I'm building my own business with Beachbody so that I have financial freedom one day soon.  I'm learning to budget myself to make sure that I don't live month to month, check to check.  It's not fun and it's really stressful.  I want to be able to give my boys everything they want but I can't and that's a tough one.  But I'll be passing along tips to you guys so that we don't have live this way anymore!

I will be posting a lot about my own journey as well as what I love to do!  I'm so passionate about living a healthy and fit lifestyle (it's my biggest outlet) that you will see a lot of posts about my workouts and nutrition but also about me and my life.  It's a roller coaster but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Peace out,